7-9 Jul 2021 Angers (France)


4th NANOMED EMJMD's workshop

Angers University, July 7-9


Wednesday 7th

 9h15-9h45         Welcome of participants

 9h45- 10h00 Introduction of the workshop & Welcome Talks

 Session 1: 10h00-12h30: Design of nanomedicines

 10h00 - 10h40:

Plenary Lecture ”No-invasive nanomedicines-driven approaches to treat diabetes with peptides”

                       B Sarmento (University of Porto)

    10h40 – 11h15         Coffee Break and poster session

  • 11h15-11h40: Design and development of small diameter electrospun vascular grafts with antimicrobial drug

            Priusha, NANOMED student, University of Pavia

  • 11h40-12h05: Development and optimization of an automatic liposomes manufacturing method using microfluidics

        R. Rebollo, NANOMED student, University of Paris 

12h05-12h30: Encapsulation of peptide and optimization of a new drug delivery system based on aqueous Two-Phase system 

Arafath NANOMED student, University of Angers

 12h30- 14h               Lunch break

 Session 2 14h00-15h55: Characterization of Nanomedicines


Plenary Lecture "Measuring particle size distribution of nanoparticle-enabled medicinal products,

including lipid-based nanoparticles for mRNA delivery and vaccine formulations:

step by step approach combining measurements with increasing complexity"

                     F Caputo - (SINTEF Industry, Norway)*

  • 14h40-15h05: Delivery of antibacterial nanoparticles through microneedles for treatment of skin infections

AN Pandilly, NANOMED student, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

  •  15h05-15h30: Anionic polysaccharide-based nanosystems as innovative tools for nervous tissue repair*

           B Vigani, University of Pavia, Italy

  • 15h35-15h55: Chitosan-based nanocarriers for delivery of therapeutic micro-RNA in treatment of ischemic heart disease

          H Genedy, University of Lyon, France


15h55 – 16h30         Coffee Break and poster session


Session 2b 16h30-17h20: Confidential defenses, only for EMJMD jury

16h10-16h55: API-Loaded (bio)material based innovative drug delivery systems

Akpinar , NANOMED student, MyBiotech GmbH, Germany

16h30-16h50: Development of messenger RNA-loaded-lipidoid-polymer hybrid nanoparticles

S Lopez, NANOMED student, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


17h20                         End of the day


* speaker by videoconference


Thursday 8th

Session 3 9h00-10h30: Non-clinical of nanomedicines: in vitro models

 9h - 9h40:

Plenary Lecture ”Relevant preclinicals models for a predictive evaluation of nanomedicnes”

                      S Mura (University of Paris Saclay, France)*

    • 9h40-10h05 Characterization and uptake of various liposomal formulations for drug delivery using human-induced

pluripotent stem cells

Nizami, NANOMED student, Universität Heidelberg, Germany

  • 10h05-10h25 The Collagen Receptor uPARAP as a Potential Target for Treatment of Mesothelioma 

Cakilkaya, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


10h25 – 11h10         Coffee Break and poster session

  • 11h10-11h35:  Preparation, characterization, and evaluation of peptide-functionalized liposomes for the targeting of placenta 

Difonzo, NANOMED student, University of Paris, France

  • 11h35 -12h00: Nanocluster-biomolecule hybrids for delivery of CRISPR-Cas13d RNA editing system 

M Saenz, NANOMED student, Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials, Spain

12h00-12h20: Co-delivery of siRNA and Lapatinib by means of a lipid-based nanocarrier for the treatment of HER2+ breast cancer 

Eljack, University of Tours, France


 12h20- 14h               Lunch break


Session 4 14h00-16h00: Non-clinical of nanomedicines: Toxicology aspect


Plenary Lecture Preclinical hazard evaluation of nanomedicines: From opsonization to cellular internalization of nanovectors, what are the consequences for cell fate?

P. Loyer, University of Rennes, France.

  • 14h40-15h05: In vitro characterization of nanoparticles in relation to their in vivo fate 

Vasylaki, NANOMED student, University of Angers, France

  • 15h05-15h25: In vitro evaluation of acute and chronic hepatic toxicity of lipid nanocapsules 

C Savary , University of Angers, France


15h25 – 16h00         Coffee Break and poster session


  • 16h00-16h25: Near-Infrared luminescent nanoparticles for selective oligonucleotide detection

          Y Suarez Lopez, NANOMED student, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

  •  16h25-16h45: Development of molybdenum cluster loaded nanoparticles as stable and efficient tool for photodynamic therapy of ovarian cancer

          A Verger, University of Rennes, France

  •  16h45-17h05: Development of inhalable retinoic acid loaded nanoparticles as targeted host directed immunotherapy for Tuberculosis

          A Bahlool , Royal college of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland

  • 17h05-17h25 Lipid nanocapsule hydrogel: a glioblastoma-targeted, local, specific and sustained drug delivery system 

         Sicot, University of Angers, France


17h30                                         End of the day

19h30                         Gala Diner (Collégiale Saint Martin)

 * speaker by videoconference


 Friday 9th

 Session 5 9h00-10h15:  From in vivo to clinical


Plenary Lecture Translation of RNA nanomedicines from design to clinical*

H Hass, BioNtech, Germany

  • 9h10-9h35: Evaluation of biodistribution of classical lipid nanocapsules in rat with a new quantitative method using FRET 

          R Elfatairi, NANOMED student, University of Angers, France

  • 9h35-10h00: Nanoformulated EPR probes for in vivo oxidative stress detection* 

          O Banwo, NANOMED student, University of Paris, France

10h00-10h20: Establishing a metabolic model of osteoarthritis in rats 

         K Elhady Mohamed, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

10h20 – 11h00         Coffee Break and poster session

  • 11h00-11:20: Pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of intact lipid nanocapsules: size effect revealed by new quantitative FRET technique

             Kaekhamloed, University of Angers, France

  • 11h20- 11h40: Evaluation of in vivo efficacy of ferrocifen loaded lipid nanocapsules on ovarian cancer 

    Ladaycia, University of Angers, France

11h40 - 12h20

Closing Plenary Lecture  What place for formulation design in approved chemotherapy

JP Benoit University of Angers, France.


12h20 :  End of the workshop - Have a safe trip back

12h20- 14h00:               Lunch break (Strategic board students representatives, invited speakers only)

 14h00-15h30:               Strategic board of the NANOMED EMJMD

(Open to Partners, Associated Partners and student representatives)

15h30–16h00:        Intake 3 attestation ceremony

16h00-17h30:         Pedagogic Committee (NANOMED Consortium member only)

12h20- 14h00:               Diner for consortium members


* speaker by videoconference

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